Sec. 10.6. Loading Areas

10.6.1. Location

No loading spaces shall be located within 30 feet of street intersections or in any required yardClosed A space on the same lot with a building or group of buildings, which space lies between the building or group of buildings and the nearest lot line. space, except in the CI District and Design Districts where the required distance shall be 20 feet. Street intersections shall be measured from the back of the predominant curbline (not including bulb outs) or future curbline where no curb currently exists.

10.6.2. Surfacing

A. In the Rural Tier

All open off-street loading areasClosed A space used to transfer goods and material between vehicles and a building or lot. shall be surfaced with an all-weather material such as concrete, asphalt, or at least six inches of properly compacted crushed stone, designed to carry the heaviest vehicleClosed All motorized vehicles as defined by the State of North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and motorcycles. This definition shall not include “Heavy Equipment” as defined elsewhere. loads that can commonly be expected, including the weight of fire and sanitation equipment as well as delivery vehiclesClosed All motorized vehicles as defined by the State of North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and motorcycles. This definition shall not include “Heavy Equipment” as defined elsewhere.. Loading areasClosed A space used to transfer goods and material between vehicles and a building or lot. surfaced with loose materials such as crushed stone shall provide permanent edging around the area.

B. In All Other Tiers

All open off-street loading areasClosed A space used to transfer goods and material between vehicles and a building or lot. shall be paved with an all-weather material such as concrete or asphalt, designed to carry the heaviest vehicleClosed All motorized vehicles as defined by the State of North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and motorcycles. This definition shall not include “Heavy Equipment” as defined elsewhere. loads that can commonly be expected, including the weight of fire and sanitation equipment as well as delivery vehiclesClosed All motorized vehicles as defined by the State of North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and motorcycles. This definition shall not include “Heavy Equipment” as defined elsewhere..

10.6.3. Utilization

Space allocated to any off-street loading space, accessory drives, or aisles, shall not be used to satisfy the space requirements for trash handling facilities.

10.6.4. Ingress and Egress

Each required off-street loading space shall be provided with a means of unobstructed ingress and egress to an alleyClosed A strip of land, either publicly or privately owned, that is set aside primarily for vehicular service access to the rear or side of properties otherwise abutting on a street. or onto a public street wide enough to accommodate expected vehiclesClosed All motorized vehicles as defined by the State of North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and motorcycles. This definition shall not include “Heavy Equipment” as defined elsewhere.. Where such ingress and egress is made into a public street, it shall be through drivewaysClosed A private roadway located on a parcel or lot used for vehicle access. or openings which meet required standards. Permanent wheel stops or curbing shall be provided to prevent any vehicleClosed All motorized vehicles as defined by the State of North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and motorcycles. This definition shall not include “Heavy Equipment” as defined elsewhere. using the loading areaClosed A space used to transfer goods and material between vehicles and a building or lot. from encroachmentClosed When used in reference to Sec. 8.4, Floodplain and Flood Damage Protection Standards, the advance or infringement of uses, fill, excavation, buildings, permanent structures or development into a floodplain, which may impede or alter the flow capacity of a floodplain. on the required street yards sideClosed That portion of a yard between the required side setback and the side lot line extending from the street yard to the rear yard. The side yard width is measured perpendicular to the side lot line.e yardsClosed A space on the same lot with a building or group of buildings, which space lies between the building or group of buildings and the nearest lot line., or adjacentClosed Property abutting directly on the boundary of, touching, or sharing a common point. property.

10.6.5. Off-Street Loading Requirements

A. Loading spaces shall be required for commercial establishments greater than 20,000 square feet, industrial plants, wholesale establishments, warehouses, freight terminals, and hospitalsClosed An institution providing human health services primarily for in-patient medical and surgical care for the physically or mentally sick and injured and including related support facilities such as laboratories, out-patient departments, staff offices, food services, and gift shop.. Loading spaces can be provided for other uses.

B. Off-street loading spaces can be either inside or outside the buildingClosed As defined in the North Carolina Building Code, as amended, or the North Carolina Residential Code for One and Two-Family Dwellings, as amended, as applicable. and on the same or adjoining lots.

C. Any loading areaClosed A space used to transfer goods and material between vehicles and a building or lot. outside of the DD District located adjacentClosed Property abutting directly on the boundary of, touching, or sharing a common point. to a residential use shall not receive deliveries between the hours of 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.

D. Loading spaces shall not hinder the movement of traffic or pedestrians.

E. No motor vehicleClosed All motorized vehicles as defined by the State of North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and motorcycles. This definition shall not include “Heavy Equipment” as defined elsewhere. repair work or service of any kind shall be permitted in conjunction with loading facilities provided in any district.

F. Dimensional Requirements

1. Off-street loading spaces, excluding maneuvering areas, shall be a minimum of 10 feet wide by 25 feet long.

2. Vertical clearance shall be a minimum of 14 feet.

G. Loading areasClosed A space used to transfer goods and material between vehicles and a building or lot. shall be signedClosed Any words, lettering, parts of letters, figures, numerals, phrases, sentences, emblems, devices, structures, designs, trade names, or trade marks by which anything is made known such as are used to designate an individual, a firm, an association, a corporation, a profession, a business, or a commodity or products, which are legible from any public street or adjacent property and used to attract attention. This definition includes the structure or the face on which a sign message is displayed. For the purposes of this Ordinance, this definition shall not include "trade dress" i.e.: architectural features identified with a product or business, as a sign. to indicate “No Idling.”

H. In Design Districts, loading areasClosed A space used to transfer goods and material between vehicles and a building or lot. shall comply with service areaClosed In Design Districts, the service area is a designation for portions of buildings or sites that are used for loading areas including garage entries; trash/recycling facilities; secondary fire code egress; and mechanical equipment or utilities that are not permitted by code to be underground or on rooftops. requirements in Sec. 16.2, Site Design.

10.6.6. Landscaping and Screening Requirements

A. Except in Design Districts, landscaping in accordance with Section 9.8, Vehicular Use Area Landscaping, shall be provided for loading spaces and associated drive aisles.

B. Where project boundary buffers are not required, loading docks shall be screenedClosed The use of plant materials and other landscape or architectural elements used separately or in combination to obscure views. from public streets and adjacentClosed Property abutting directly on the boundary of, touching, or sharing a common point. residential property in accordance with screeningClosed The use of plant materials and other landscape or architectural elements used separately or in combination to obscure views. requirements of Section 9.7, Screening.

10.6.7. Residential Setback Requirements

A minimum setbackClosed The minimum distance between a property line (or a different encumbrance, improvement, or feature as required within a specific regulation) and a building or structure. of 50 feet shall be required where loading docks face a residential districtClosed Any zoning district with the "R" designation, (RR, RS-20, etc.), including the PDR District. or a structureClosed A walled or roofed constructed object that is principally above ground; vertical projections meeting the definition of antenna-supporting or wireless support structures; or, when used in reference to Sec. 8.4, Floodplain and Flood Damage Protection Standards, a gas or liquid storage tank that is principally above ground. Included in this definition are extensions or additions which are covered by a roof supported by walls or columns, such as but not limited to porte cocheres, carports, covered or screened porches, and breezeways. with first-floor residential uses, unless the loading areaClosed A space used to transfer goods and material between vehicles and a building or lot. (dock and/or loading spaces) is completely screenedClosed The use of plant materials and other landscape or architectural elements used separately or in combination to obscure views. from view with a wall in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 9.9, Fences and Walls.